Digital Youth researchers join governmental project to understand impact of smartphones and social media on young people
Experts from the University of Nottingham are part of the ...
Experts from the University of Nottingham are part of the ...
Dr Camilla Babbage attended the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII) 2022 conference in Pittsburgh, USA. ISRII is the largest international conference on internet interventions, with a strong focus on apps and online services to support mental health.
Dr Jess Williams (research project 7) recently attended the 19th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour (ESSSB19) in Copenhagen, Denmark
You're running a research project around social media and online harms. We want to recruit young people to take part in some online interviews but the research team needs some advice from you, reader. By Ewan Soubutts, Digital Youth Researcher
Professor Sonia Livingstone and Mariya Stoilova explain the findings of their new report on the impact of digital experiences on adolescents with mental health vulnerabilities, and the implications for regulation of online platforms.
Jake Bourgaize is a Research Associate working on Digital Youth research project 3, which is focused on digital engagement and mental health risks in vulnerable children.
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Public/Patient Involvement (PPI) are tools that can help researchers think about the way they carry out their research, as well as about how they involve others within the research process.
Dr Joanna Lockwood and Dr Camilla Babbage (Research Project 8) were recently invited to Birmingham University by the Midland Innovation/Health Team to provide an update on their research to the Medical Research Council
The Digital Youth community recently met in Nottingham for the DY Huddle, an event that brings together researchers, young people and management from across the Programme