About Sprouting Minds

Welcome to the home of positive action on mental health

Sprouting Minds

About Sprouting Minds

Welcome to the home of positive action on mental health

Sprouting Minds

Sprouting Minds aims

  • To achieve a positive and informed relationship between research and young people.
  • Drive progressive change for young people’s mental health in a digital world.
  • Give young people a voice amongst decision makers and researchers via meaningful co-facilitation* and co-collaboration* throughout the research cycle.
  • Educate academics and researchers on what meaningful involvement is for young
  • Forge a legacy for young people’s contributions in digital mental health research.

Sprouting Minds ethos

  • To plant seeds for positive advancements in digital mental health research.
  • We know the problems that young people face and offer guidance to make a difference, based on our lived experiences.
  • To promote how dynamic and beneficial young people are in helping research as we believe young people are key to helping researchers understand the experiences of youth mental health.

* Jargon buster: Co-facilitation and co-collaboration means working alongside and contributing to the
research process with the academic research team.

Sprouting Minds

What our members say

“I’m really happy to be part of Sprouting Minds  as I’m passionate  about young people’s  mental health,  as well  as being  extremely interested  in research!  I have a few social media accounts dedicated  to supporting  young people  and their  mental health, but Sprouting  Minds  was the first  YPAG I joined and I love the atmosphere and how approachable everyone is”

— Millie, Sprouting Minds member

“As a Co-Chair for sprouting minds, I enjoy working with a range of young people who are of a variety of different backgrounds and life experiences. The collaboration we have with young people allows for their voices to be heard in order to make a positive change and impact within research to better young people’s mental health. This topic is very close to my heart, and it is rewarding to see a project which strives to help young people.”

— Lucy-Paige Willingham, Sprouting Minds Co-Chair

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