About our resources

We have a growing list of resources that we hope you will explore and find useful. Through this page you can access and view reports and publications relevant to our research themes and projects or explore our growing videos and podcasts library. Many of these have been created by members of the research team and Sprouting Minds, our young person’s advisory group.

We have also created a section on sources of support for your interest.

Please note, this page is currently in development so keep checking back for updated resources.

Explore videos and podcasts

Publications and reports

Publications and reports

Click on a publication for full text (where available)

de Alcântara Mendes, J.A., Lucassen, M., Adams, A. et al. Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approaches in mental health projects involving young people: a scoping review protocol. Res Involv Engagem 10, 60 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-024-00591-1

EJS Sonuga-Barke, M Stoilova, K Kostyrka-Allchorne, J Bourgaize, A Murray, MPJ Tan, C Hollis, E Townsend, S Livingstone, Pathways between digital activity and depressed mood in adolescence: outlining a developmental model integrating risk, reactivity, resilience and reciprocity, Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, Volume 58, 2024, 101411, ISSN 2352-1546, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cobeha.2024.101411.

Khan, K., Hall, C.L., Babbage, C. et al. Precision computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) for adolescents with depression: a pilot and feasibility randomised controlled trial protocol for SPARX-UK. Pilot Feasibility Stud 10, 53 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-024-01475-7

Williams AJ, Cleare S, Borschmann R On behalf of Digital Youth, et al :Enhancing emotion regulation with an in situ socially assistive robot among LGBTQ+ youth with self-harm ideation: protocol for a randomised controlled trial,BMJ Open 2024;14:e079801. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-079801

Williams AJ, Townsend E, Naeche N, Chapman-Nisar A, Hollis C, Slovak P, Digital Youth With Sprouting Minds: Investigating the Feasibility, Acceptability, and Appropriation of a Socially Assistive Robot Among Minority Youth at Risk of Self-Harm: Results of 2 Mixed Methods Pilot Studies, JMIR Form Res 2023;7:e52336. doi: 10.2196/52336

Lockwood J, Babbage C, Bird K, Thynne I, Barsky A, Clarke DD and Townsend E (2023) A comparison of temporal pathways to self-harm in young people compared to adults: A pilot test of the Card Sort Task for Self-harm online using Indicator Wave Analysis. Front. Psychiatry 13:938003. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.938003

Livingstone, S, Orben, A and Odgers, C. (2022). Debate: Should academics collaborate with digital companies to improve young people’s mental health?. Child Adolesc Ment Health. https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12630

Kostyrka-Allchorne, K., Stoilova, M., Bourgaize, J., Rahali, M., Livingstone, S. and Sonuga-Barke, E. (2022), Review: Digital experiences and their impact on the lives of adolescents with pre-existing anxiety, depression, eating and nonsuicidal self-injury conditions – a systematic review. Child Adolesc Ment Health. https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12619

Ellen Townsend, Jennifer Ness, Keith Waters, Muzamal Rehman, Navneet Kapur, Caroline Clements, Galit Geulayov, Elizabeth Bale, Deborah Casey, Keith Hawton (2022) :Life problems in children and adolescents who self-harm: findings from the multicentre study of self-harm in England. Child Adolesc Ment Health. https://doi.org/10.1111/camh.12544

Claudia Daudén Roquet, Nikki Theofanopoulou, Jaimie L Freeman, Jessica Schleider, James J Gross, Katie Davis, Ellen Townsend, and Petr Slovak. 2022. Exploring Situated & Embodied Support for Youth’s Mental Health: Design Opportunities for Interactive Tangible Device. In Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 331, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1145/3491102.3502135

Slovak P, Ford BQ, Widen S, Daudén Roquet C, Theofanopoulou N, Gross JJ, Hankin B, Klasnja P, An In Situ, Child-Led Intervention to Promote Emotion Regulation Competence in Middle Childhood: Protocol for an Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial, JMIR Res Protoc 2021;10(11):e28914 doi: 10.2196/28914

Stoilova, M, Edwards, C, Kostyrka-Allchorne, K, Livingstone, S & Sonuga-Barke, E 2021, Adolescents’ mental health vulnerabilities and the experience and impact of digital technologies: A multimethod pilot study. London School of Economics and Political Science and King’s College London, London, UK. https://doi.org/DOI: 10.18742/pub01-073

Townsend E, Hort, J (2017) Cafe Connect: A How To Guide.


Sources of support for young people

With the help of the Mental Health Foundation we have compiled a list of helpful online sources of support.

Mental Health Foundation

How do I get support for my mental health? A summary of the different ways you can access help and support for your mental health.

If you are concerned that you are developing a mental health problem you should talk to your school nurse, counsellor, teachers, or seek the advice and support of your GP as a matter of priority. If you are in distress and need immediate help, you should call 111.

The Samaritans

Whatever you’re facing,  Samaritans are here to listen.

Call free, day or night, on 116 123 
Or email 

SHOUT 85258 text line

Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. The service is staffed by trained volunteers who will work with you to take your next steps towards feeling better. It can help with issues such as stress, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, worry and relationship problems and able to talk at any time of day or night.

Text SHOUT to 85258.

Step Up

Step Up is a co-produced, peer-led programme, delivered by Rethink Mental Illness, which provides a series of projects, created and delivered by young people aged 15-25 to support their peers with managing their mental health and reducing stigma. Rethink Mental Illness more widely delivers a range of advice and information on living with mental illness.


This campaign of a series of animated stories and companion website—co-produced with and for young people—aims to increase mental health literacy.

What’s Up With Everyone campaign offers advice from  charitable and clinical partners, Mental Health Foundation, Happy Space and Dr Dominique Thompson, is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Tell someone you trust

You may find it helpful to talk to your partner, a relative or a friend about your problems. They may be concerned about you and welcome the opportunity to hear what you have to say. If this is not possible, you may prefer to talk to someone else you can trust, like a faith leader or a tutor.

You can find out more about friendships and how to tell your friends on our friendships page.

Talk to your school nurse, counsellor, teacher or GP

Your school nurse, counsellor, teacher or GP may be the first person you talk to about your mental health problems. The Mental Health Foundation have produced a practical guide with details on what to expect from your appointment and what your GP can do for you: information about talking to your GP about your mental health 

Community mental health services

A range of Community mental health services are available for young people.

For advice about benefits, debt problems, legal issues and local services, the Citizens Advice Bureau website has a directory listing its local offices.



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