Digital Youth programme leaders

Ellen Townsend
Principal Investigator, Professor of Psychology University of Nottingham, Research Project 8 Lead, also works on 4 & 7

Chris Hollis
Principal Investigator, Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry University of Nottingham, Research Project 6 Lead

Sarah Doherty
Sprouting Minds Co-Chair/Digital Youth Co-Investigator

Jo Gregory
Programme Manager

Elvira Perez Vallejos
Digital Youth Involvement Lead

Becky Woodcock
Patient and Public Involvement Manager
Sprouting Minds






Eliz Azeri
Research project 1

Cathy Cresswell
Professor of Developmental Clinical Psychology Oxford University, Research Project 1 Lead

Peter Fonagy
Head of the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at UCL; Chief Executive of the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families, Chair of Digital Youth Partners Board, Research Project 1 Lead

Louise Arseneault
Professor of Developmental Psychology at Kings College London, Chair of Digital Youth Scientific Advisory Board, Research Project 1 Lead

Emily Lloyd
Emerging Minds Network Manager, University of Oxford

Josimar De Alcantara Mendes
Research Associate, University of Oxford

Carolyn Ten Holter
Research Assistant in the Responsible Technology Institute, University of Oxford

Marina Jirotka
Professor of Human Centred Computing, University of Oxford, Research Project 1 Lead, also works on 7 & 8

Zsofia Lazar
Project Manager, Responsible Technology Institute, University of Oxford
Research project 2

Praveetha Patalay
Associate Professor at UCL in the Centre for Longitudinal Studies, Research Project 2 Lead

Yvonne Kelly
Professor of Lifecourse Epidemiology, UCL, Research Project 2 Lead

Aaron Kandola
Research Fellow, UCL
Research Fellow, UCL

Yi Yang
Research Fellow, UCL
Research Fellow, UCL
Research project 3

Edmund Sonuga-Barke
Professor of Developmental Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Kings College London, Research Project 3 Lead

Sonia Livingstone
Professor of Social Psychology, London School of Economics (LSE), Research Project 3 Lead

Kasia Kostryka-Allchorne
Lecturer, Queen Mary University London

Peiyao Tang
Research Associate Kings College London

Mariya Stoilova
Research Assistant London School of Economics (LSE)

Aja Murray
Reader in Psychology, University of Edinburgh
Research project 4

Rory O’Connor
Professor of Health Psychology, University of Glasgow, Research Project 4 Lead

Dorothee Auer
Professor of Neuroimaging, University of Nottingham, Research Project 4 Lead

Marianne Etherson
Research Assistant, University of Glasgow

Sieun Lee
Early Career Fellow, University of Nottingham

Nitish Jawahar
Research Assistant, University of Nottingham
Research project 5

Chris Greenhalgh
Professor of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Research Project 5 Lead, also works on 6 & 8

Kapil Sayal
Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Nottingham, Research Project 5 Lead

Jim Warren
Professor of Health Informatics, University of Auckland, Research Project 5 Lead

Kevin Glover
Research Fellow, University of Nottingham

Vajisha Wanniarachchi
Research Fellow, University of Auckland
Research project 6

Paul Stallard
Professor of Child and Family Mental Health University of Bath, Research Project 6 Lead

Charlotte Hall
Senior Research Fellow, Mindtech, University of Nottingham

Mathijs Lucassen
Reader in Mental Health, City, University of London

Camilla Babbage
SPARK-UK Trial Manager, University of Nottingham, also works on research project 8

Sally Merry
Emeritus Cure Kids Duke Family Chair in Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Karolina Stasiak
Researcher, Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Auckland

Adam Parker
Research Assistant University of Nottingham

Holly Griffiths
Research Assistant University of Nottingham

Lily Roberts
Research Assistant University of Nottingham, also works on research project 8
Research project 7

Petr Slovak
Assistant Professor in Human Computer Interaction, Kings College London, Research Project 7 Lead

Jess Williams
Research Assistant, Kings College London
Research project 8

Joanna Lockwood
Research Fellow University of Nottingham

Camilla Babbage
Research Fellow University of Nottingham, also works on research project 6