If you have been referred by your GP to SPARX, please see below for information about how to get involved:
See below for some images of SPARX or click here to read more about SPARX
Scroll down for more information about the research project
If you would like to talk to the research team at any point, email us at: SPARX@nottingham.ac.uk
Participant Information Sheet for Parents
If you would like to download a pdf version of this information sheet, please click here.
Participant Information Sheet for 11-15 year olds
If you would like to download a pdf version of this information sheet, please click here.
Participant Information Sheet for 16-19 year olds
If you would like to download a pdf version of this information sheet, please click here.
If you or your child would like to take part, please click here or scan the QR code on the parent information sheet and the research team will be in touch!
If you are a child, we require parent/carers to be part of this research project, so please share the parent information with them and ask your parent/carer to complete the online Consent to Contact form.
Young people’s thoughts on participating in the SPARX trial:
“I'd say give it a try... If you don't like it, then you don't like it, but if it does help you, then it does help you. Because I think it's a good concept… appealing to people with like stuff to do with mental health, I think that's a pretty good idea.”
Young Person
Parent’s thoughts on participating in the SPARX trial:
[Would you recommend other parents of children with depression to take part?]
“I think we're lucky to have had the chance for him to do it. And yeah, I hope you do roll it out because it will be a good tool for lots of people to be able to have… As well as it being a way that more kids might want to engage with, it is also just really hard to get face to face. You know, the waiting lists are really, really long... so any anything that can be rolled out to help because there's so many kids struggling with this stuff, it's great. So yeah, definitely.”
Parent 1
“Definitely to give it a go, I just think well, you know you've got nothing to lose really, have you?”
Parent 2
“Definitely, yeah. Because it's a game. So if especially if there's a child that likes tech and likes games, it's ideal, isn't it?”
Parent 3